Fiscal Sponsorship Council Members: Defining Privileges

In a Fiscal Sponsorship (FSP) with Legacy Global Programs, council members have a significant role in steering the charitable activities in line with the fund's mission. Nonetheless, it's crucial to clearly outline the extent of their privileges.

Council members have the privilege of making well-considered recommendations and requests to Legacy staff, with a focus on their charitable initiatives. It's important to note that their position does not confer the authority to enter into agreements, make pledges, or commitments on behalf of the FSP. This article explores the rationale behind this distinction and underscores the importance of upholding this structure and fostering accountability within the fiscal sponsorship.

Understanding the Council Member's Role

Before we explore the scope of council members' privileges, let's first establish the essential functions they perform. Council members are thoughtfully selected by the "Point of Contact" council member to represent the interests of the FSP’s charitable mission and provide valuable input on charitable operations, including grant management, fundraising support, and financial decisions.

Council Member Privileges

While Council members do not hold authority over the FSP, Legacy does grant the privilege to recommend activities to the council members. It is important to note that these privileges are available to council members that adhere to the Communication Policy and the Integrity Agreement. This collaborative approach ensures that our shared mission is upheld, and that our community can make a lasting and positive impact. The privileges that the council members hold are listed below:

  1. Coordination and Recommendations: Offer recommendations to Legacy on investments, grants, and program expenses
    1. Council members can recommend grants, expenses, and different types of charitable activities to Legacy staff for the FSP to participate in.
    2. Depending on the recommendation and charitable purpose, Legacy may approve this recommendation and facilitate the requested activity in coordination with the council members. For more information, please visit the following sites:
      1. What does the Granting Process Look Like?
      2. How do I pay a contractor or submit an invoice?
      3. Legacy Global Investment Policy
      4. Legacy Global Disbursements & Disclosures
  2. Community Engagement and Awareness: Use media to raise awareness of the FSP’s mission.
    1. Council members can promote the charitable mission of the FSP through social media and online platforms, to encourage awareness and donations for the cause
    2. Depending on the media or type of engagement, further discussion with Legacy Global’s team may be required. For more information, please visit the following sites:
      1. Legacy Global Fundraising Policy
      2. Legacy Global Support

The council member is a dedicated advocate for the FSP, enthusiastically endorsing its mission. While the FSP maintains their individual charitable mission, they actively align with the shared goals of Legacy Global Programs. Their commitment extends beyond their personal efforts as they aim to inspire and engage others in joining their mission. By collectively working towards these goals, they can create a lasting and significant impact within the community, leaving a positive legacy that benefits many.

The Proper Process for Commitments

While council members are empowered to propose and recommend activities aligned with the FSP’s mission, they do not possess the authority to engage in formal agreements, pledges, or commitments. This authority for a FSP lies solely with the sponsoring charity, Legacy Global Programs.

In a fiscal sponsorship, Legacy, the sponsoring organization, is a tax-exempt nonprofit entity that provides financial and administrative support to the FSP. The relationship is formalized through the fiscal sponsorship fund agreement, with Legacy playing a central role in facilitating the projects' charitable activities and access to tax-deductible donations. 

This central role refers to Legacy’s responsibility for the oversight of the fiscal and legal aspects, ensuring compliance, and securing donations. Due to this responsibility, Legacy is the sole party that may authorize activity on behalf of the FSP.


Council members play a crucial role in the success of the Fiscal Sponsorship (FSP). They focus on providing recommendations and making requests to Legacy staff that align with the charitable mission of the fund. It's important to note that being a council member does not grant them the authority to sign agreements, make pledges, or promises on behalf of the FSP. This limitation is in place to maintain the structure of the Fiscal Sponsorship, with Legacy Global Programs serving as the sponsoring organization.


As the fiscal sponsor, Legacy Global Programs is responsible for reviewing all charitable activities to ensure they comply with IRS regulations for nonprofit organizations. By following established procedures and upholding accountability, we guarantee that our fiscally sponsored programs and council members engage in charitable initiatives while receiving guidance to enhance their efforts for years to come.